This is telling: From the Watchtower's Trial Memorandum, page 10, heading V. is titled "The Church Defendants had no legal duty to report child sexual abuse to authorities" and here's what the WT lawyer had to say, starting on line 26"
"In this case, the two elders received a confession in November 1993 from Jonathan Kendrick as stated above. The elders had no legal duty to report the incident to the authorities, because the law at that time did not require ministers to do so. In addition, this confession by Kendrick was received by the elders in the course of the discipline and practice of the Jehovah's Witness faith and was intended to be kept confidential. As such, it was also privileged and not subject to disclosure in any fashion beyond those dictated by the protocols and procedures of the Jehovah's Witness faith. The Church Defendants assert that, even if received today, that confession by Kendrick would be privileged." (emphasis mine).